Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Blog Begins

My first post in my first blog, how exciting! Well this blog is going to be for my family, friends, and maybe future customers. I hopefully will be able to post pics of artwork done by myself and of course my "cousins". See someday we are hoping to have a business which we will call "Cousin's Clay" a big studio where we will make art and hold classes, maybe we will have shows there, do fundraising to help our community.
How this started:
I was working as a homecare nurse and there was a continuing ed class flyer from the local colledge that came in the mail. I had attended some Spainish classes before and saw a pottery and Italian mask making class was now being offered. I talked with my friend Laurie and said let's take the mask class!!! Well she wanted to take Spainish AGAIN thankfully Spainish was full so she went for the pottery. I love Laurie, I will have to do a whole seperate story on her. Anyway I had never done any pottery but I was sure I would be able to do it, how hard can it be right? I love making things, I like to paint bright colors in my house, turn trash into treasures, do school projects with the kids and I always said when I finished nursing school and secured a job I would take some art classes just for fun. So we went our first night my first impression of our teacher was that he was a free spirit....kinda hippyish but nice. I liked him, made me feel very at ease, nothing stressfull, this was going to be fun and right off the bat he said we could make as much stuff as we wanted, there was no limit on our clay, it was great. We made pinch pots, and I fell in love. I called my Aunt on the way home and told her I wanted to quit my job and work with clay. Okay so it sounds dramatic I know but a girls gotta dream right.
Flash forward:
Class ended, very sad, my teacher moves to Kentucky, there is nowhere close to do clay I am lost. Laurie finds us a place pheww. Nice girl owns a really cool gallery, she will do weekly classes really reasonable price and right around the cornor from work too cool. I am also happy because I can bring my little cousin Shauna aka "Munch" short for Munchie...remember the Mun-chi-chi monkeys that's where it came from. We are happy happy happy! Munch gets addicted just like me, she is a natural on the wheel, makes a cool cat/dog/? sculpture. Then I have to switch job!!! I am crushed, not just because I loved my job but because I am now working different hours and can't go to class. It has been horrible. BUT we don't stop, we are hopefull our girl will change the hours add extra days whatever. I dream of my own wheel to work on. Hummm I should tell you that I have nevery used a wheel except once and I couldn't even center the clay. But why would that stop me, I am sure I can do it if I had more time to practice, by the way wheels are really expensive I try to find a used one, can't, wait till I pay off a credit card, then there Shawn's accident, then there was Christmas, then this and that untill one day I said screw it and just bought one. I am never going to have everything paid off there will always be some financial thing come up so I took my Christmas money and put it towards a new wheel. I love my wheel, it is in my livingroom, and I have to sit on my coffee table because I don't have a stool and I have a mess and I don't care. I have to put some of his responsibility of the wheel on Joshie my other little cousin, he is taking pottery in school and was bringing stuff home to show me, I think he is a natural too. So this is an investment in their future, they can now express themselves, kids need that, I think it makes them healthier....no I don't have kids but they are like mine so there. Our first night with the wheel I picked them up after work and we played until 4am. It was great. We will be posting pics of our stuff, we have a lot of work ahead, alot of decisions on where to set up a studio. Will it be the garage, the cellar, Munchie's room, who knows, only time will tell but for now I will be in the livingroom.

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